
WHO is the FUN P.E. GUY

Dennis Stands grew up in Boise, Idaho. He began teaching in 1969 after graduating from NW Nazarene College. In addition to teaching in the classroom, he coached after school sports, and became the coordinator for the “Vancouver Elementary After School Sports Program”. Dennis was a full time P.E. Specialist his last 12 years before retiring from the Vancouver School District in 2001.

Dennis was honored as “INTERMEDIATE TEACHER OF THE YEAR” in 1998 in the Vancouver School District. Also, he was a recipient of “WHO’S WHO AMONG AMERICA’S TEACHERS” four times.


The summer of 2000, Dennis Stands and Kelly Rankin began their educational company. For the next 12 years they were a “dynamic duo” conducting Physical Education Workshops for teachers.


Following Kelly’s retirement in 2011, Dennis started a new company, “FUN P.E. GUY”, and continues to conduct the week long workshops every summer. The workshops entitle teachers and PE Specialists 3 graduate credits through Seattle Pacific University. Each year he writes a new book for the upcoming class, filled with highly skilled games and activities for teachers K-12. The games and activities are video taped, and made into a DVD to accompany the book.

He, also, conducts Inservice workshops for School Districts nationally.


The Fun P.E. Guy’s goal is to provide the highest quality physical education class available to classroom teachers and physical education specialists. The class covers a wide variety of fun activities, with an emphasis on maximum participation for all ability and age levels.


Warm-up / Cool Down

Quick warm-up and cool down activities, requiring little, or no equipment in a fun 5-10 minute time period.

Large Group Games

Innovative games that can be played during a 20-30 minute time period. These games keep everyone involved and active with little, or no down time.

Sport Skills

Lead-up activities and games that develop and improve skills needed for a variety of sports including basketball, baseball, soccer and many others.


Students work together to make these activities successful. Teamwork is the main component.

Rhythms and Dance

Hand/eye/foot coordination is enhanced with rhythmic activities, and folk dances from around the world.

Homemade P. E. Equipment

Useful equipment, costing little, that can be used in physical education classes. These items can save hundreds of dollars from your P.E. budget.

Professional Learning Communities

Each day teachers will have the opportunity to meet with peers in Professional Learning Communities (PLC) to discuss current topics related to physical education. They will, also, discuss how the activiies learned in this class can be incorporated with Common Core State Standards (CCSS). (See Photos below)

FOLLOW “FUN P.E. GUY” on FACEBOOK www.facebook.com/funpeguy

See the classes page for information about upcoming classes

BELOW are two photos of TEACHERS meeting in their PROFESSIONAL LEARNING COMMUNITIES (PLC)to discuss the activities from this class, and how to incorporate them into COMMON CORE STATE STANDARDS (CCSS).




The VANCOUVER CLASS used their bodies to spell out “FUN PE GUY”. (BELOW)


TEACHERS arriving from the AMERICAN EMBASSY SCHOOL in New Dehli, India. (BELOW)


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